A downloadable show


"You may not like video games, but what I learned from them is this: no enemies in front of you means you are going the wrong way."
- Unknown

To expand the Opinions & Truth | O&T blog, I started The Weekend Game Show | WGS to educate on and discuss different aspects of game development, and to show why video games can take years to make, to prevent another stressful Cyberpunk 2077 launch scenario. And to show the legitimacy of video games as an artistic medium.
My videos are available in the Development log, on YouTubeThe Titans' DiscordSteamRumbleOdyseeKo-fi, and on blogging platforms!
And on Twitch while the VODs last.

In addition, to provide educational material for game designers and artists, and some fun reads, I created a bookshop, powered by Bookshop.org, the Rendezvous Point | RP!
Check it out here!

In addition, I share educational quotes to promote literacy, the legitimacy of video games as an artistic medium, and regarding a Cause of the Month to raise awareness, while giving Artist Shout-Outs to human artists to combat AI's spit.
Want to learn more about the Artist Shout-Outs? Click here!

I'm also an artist under the handle TitansMonriArt.

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Maid Café on Electric Street Mini-Guide.pdf 1.2 MB

Development log

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